Coyotes: Coexisting with Wildlife
Coyotes generally avoid humans, even though we share much of the same space in San Diego County's urban and suburban areas. However, pet food, compost or trash can attract coyotes and create the impression that homes or buildings are easy feeding areas. Without the attraction of food, their visits will be brief and rare. But a coyote who finds food in one yard may learn to search for food in others.
What Attracts Coyotes to Urban and Residential Areas?
Although coyotes are a valuable part of our ecosystem, you should never intentionally feed them. Providing coyotes with food will make them more comfortable approaching people, which is dangerous to the coyote’s well-being. Here are some other general rules to follow:
- Avoid feeding pets outside. If you must give them food outside, feed them only for a set time during the day (for no more than one hour) and remove the food bowl as soon as your pet has finished eating.
- When it is hot and dry outside, water can be as attractive as food, so remove water bowls set outside for pets and put watering cans away.
- If you compost, use enclosed bins and never compost meat or fish scraps.
- Good housekeeping, such as regularly raking areas around bird feeders, can also help discourage coyote activity near residences.
- Remove fallen fruit from the ground.
- Keep trash in high-quality containers with tight-fitting lids. Only place the cans curbside the morning of collection. If you leave them out overnight, they are more likely to be tipped and broken into.
Coyotes are secretive animals, and studies have shown they can live near humans for a long time without ever being noticed. Such coyotes are coexisting with us peacefully and should be left alone.
In the spring, when coyotes give birth and begin to raise pups, they stay close to dens or burrows in which their pups are sheltered. During these times, they may become highly defensive and territorial — and challenge any other coyote or dog that comes close to their babies. People walking their dogs in parks and wooded areas may run into these situations and even be challenged by parent coyotes to back off. Fights are rare, but they most often happen when dogs are off leash. It’s important to recognize such incidents for what they are: defense of space, not random attacks. If you encounter a coyote when walking your pet, do NOT run away. Instead, haze the coyote with the techniques described in our Coyote Hazing Guidelines article.
Pets may attract coyotes into certain neighborhoods. The best way to minimize risk to pets is to not leave them out unattended, especially at night.
People who feed community cats are often concerned coyotes might prey on the cats. Here are some general suggestions for keeping cats safe:
- Provide escape routes for cats. In treeless or open areas, put up “cat posts.” These can be wooden posts (four inches by four inches or corner posts) that stand out of the ground at least ten to twelve feet and can be climbed by cats, but not coyotes.
- Only feed cats during the day and at a set time, and pick up any leftovers immediately. Place feeding stations higher than a coyote can reach. The size of the station(s) can be customized to the size of the cat colony you feed, and the amount of food should be adjusted for the number of cats you feed. Elevated feeding stations mean safer cats, less mess and savings on cat food!
- Discourage coyotes seen on the property using the techniques described in our Coyote Hazing Guidelines. Making the coyotes feel uncomfortable will encourage them to stay out of the area.
Risks to Dogs
To further protect cats and dogs, fencing can be used to keep coyotes out of residential yards. Fences must be at least 6 feet tall and extend underground at least 12 inches. Devices such as the Coyote Roller ( “roll off” coyotes that try to scramble over the fence and can enhance the effectiveness of a fence. Do-it-yourself options include adding PVC piping or chicken wire to the top of your fence to prevent coyotes from jumping over and retrofitting a mesh apron to the bottom of the fence (extending over 12 inches out, secured with landscaping staples) to keep coyotes from digging under.
Although “attacks” on larger dogs are more rare, coyotes will sometimes go after a large dog when they feel that their territory is threatened. This generally occurs during the coyote breeding season, which takes place from January through March. During this time, it is especially important not to leave dogs outside unattended and to keep them on leashes when in public areas.
Protecting Your Yard
To further protect cats and dogs, fencing can be used to keep coyotes out of residential yards. Fences must be at least 6 feet tall and extend underground at least 12 inches. Devices such as the Coyote Roller “roll off” coyotes that try to scramble over the fence and can enhance the effectiveness of a fence. Do-it-yourself options include adding PVC piping or chicken wire to the top of your fence to prevent coyotes from jumping over and retrofitting a mesh apron to the bottom of the fence (extending over 12 inches out, secured with landscaping staples) to keep coyotes from digging under.