Educational Materials
- Animals in Supportive Roles
- Learn about the roles of different assistance animals, training requirements, rights to housing and public spaces and organizations that provide trained service animals.
- Cats and Kittens
- Educational resources about cats and kittens.
- Coexisting with Wildlife
- From the coast to the mountains to the desert to urban neighborhoods, San Diegans share this beautiful landscape with more than 320 animal species. Their role in our ecosystem can't be understated. In this guide, you will find crucial information for coexisting with the diverse wildlife in the San Diego region.
- Coyotes: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Crows and Ravens: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Deer: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Downloads
- Ducks and Geese: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Five Ways to Be a Friend to Wild Animals
- Foxes: Coexisting with Wildlife
- How to Stop Wildlife from Moving In
- Hummingbird: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Opossums: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Our Nocturnal Neighbors
- Rabbits: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Raccoons: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Raptors: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Rattlesnakes: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Red-Eared Sliders
- Renesting and Reuniting
- Rodents: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Sea and Shore Birds: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Skunks: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Small Mammals: Coexist with Wildlife
- Songbirds and Small Birds: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Squirrels: Coexisting with Wildlife
- Emergency Preparedness
- The Southern California region is especially prone to earthquakes and wildfires. Pet owners need to have an emergency plan in place, so they are prepared. Below are our top tips and facts to help you and your animals be ready.
- Small Animal Care
- Educational resources about caring for small animals.